Government College Kasaragod
Government College Kasaragod

Dpt. ofStatistics

Dr. Mercy Joseph

Associate Professor & Head of the Department


Mundackal house

Kanhangad South. P. O.,

Kasaragod (Dt.) - 671315

mercy compressed.jpg



  • mersu(@)rediffmail(.)com

Educational Qualification

  • PhD in Statistics (2009) - Kannur University.
    • Specialisation: Reliability Theory.
  • BEd in Mathematical Sciences (1989) - Mahatma Gandhi University.
  • MSc in Statistics - Mahatma Gandhi University (1988).
  • NET in Mathematical/Statistical Science.

Research Expereince

UGC Minor Research Project Completed

  • “Estimation of Reliability Measures using GLD.”

List of articles publised /selected for publication

  • “Domain of Residual Lifetime Attraction and Median Residual Lifetime from GLD,” International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical science, vol.3, No.1, pp.43-60, 2007.
  • “On estimation of lifetime characteristics from Arbitrary Distributions,” Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 22(2), 2007, pp.249-276.
  • “Criteria for Ageing using GLD,” Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, June 2008, vol. 4, No.1, 219-229.
  • “Estimation of the generalized lambda distribution from censored data,” Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 2010, Vol. 24, No. 1, 42-564.

List of papers presented

  • “An Alternative Approach on the Estimation of Lifetime Characteristics,” Presented at the 25th Conference of Indian Statistical Society for Probability and Statistics and Annual Meeting of Indian Bayesian Society held on 28-30 December 2005, at Dept. of Statistics, Bangalore University, Bangalore.
  • “On Probability Weighted Moments and L - Moments of Complete and Censored Data from Arbitrary Populations,” Presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting and International Conference on Statistics, Probability and Related Areas held at Dept.of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin during 2-5 January 2007.
  • “Modeling lifetime characteristics using Generalized Lambda Distribution,” Presented at International Conference on Special Functions & Applications held at St.Thomas college Pala during 18-20 May 2007.
  • “The effect of the shape parameters of GLD on the shape of the hazard rate functions,” Presented in the National Conference on Statistics, Computer & Applications held at St. Thomas College, Pala during 16-18 November 2007.
  • “Estimation of the Generalized Lambda distribution from censored data,” Presented at the National Seminar on Recent Advances in Statistics & analysis of nonconventional data conducted in connection with Silver Jubileee Celebrations of the Department of Statistics, Farook college from 15-17 march 2008.
  • “Criteria for Ageing using GLD,” presented in the national seminar on Recent Trends in Statistics at Nehru Arts and Science College, Kanhangad.
  • “On Shapes of Hazard rate Functions of GLD,” Presented At the International Conference conducted by the Dept. of Statistical Sciences Kannur Uty. during 10 to 14 January, 2011.

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

  • Participated. in the workshop on Data Analysis using SPSS during 1- 4 January 2003, at Nehru Arts & ScienceCollege, Kanhangad.
  • Participated in the regional seminar on Managerial Skills for Effective Teaching on 28th November 2003, at St. Pius X College, Rajapuram.
  • Participated in the XXIV annual conference of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics and national seminar on Statistical theory held at St. Thomas college, Palai during 4-6, November 2004.
  • Participated in the one day workshop on LateX on 18 - 6-2005 at Nehru Arts &Science College, Kanhangad.
  • Participated in the one day workshop on Matlab on 16- 7 -2005 at Nehru Arts & Science College, Kanhangad.
  • Participated in the 25th Conference of Indian Statistical Society for Probability and Statistics and Annual Meeting of Indian Bayesian Society held on 28-30 December 2005, at Dept. of Statistics, BangaloreUniversity, Bangalore.
  • Participated. in the National Seminar on Modeling and Analysis of Lifetime Data held at Dept.of Statistics, CochinUniversity of Science and Technology, Cochin during 20 - 22 February 2006.
  • Participated in the Joint Statistical Meeting and International Conference on _Statistics, Probability and Related Areas _held at Dept.of Statistics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin during 2-5 January 2007.
  • Participated in the International Conference on Special Functions & Applications held at St.Thomas college, Pala during 18-20 May 2007.
  • Participated in the National Conference on Statistics, Computer & Applications held at St.Thomas College, Pala during 16-18 November 2007.
  • Participated in the National Seminar on Modern Trends in Statistics organized at G P M Govt. College, Manjeswar on 13th February 2008.
  • Participated in the National Seminar on _Recent Advances in Statistics & analysis of Nonconventional Data _conducted at Farook college from 15-17 march 2008.
  • Participated in the two days National Seminar on Understanding Development, An Interdisciplinary Perspective organized Jointly by the Dept. of Economics and Statistics on 11-12 March 2008.
  • Participated in the region wise workshops on Grading organized by the Kerala State Higher Education Council at NehruArts & ScienceCollege, Kanhangad on 1-9-2008.
  • Participated in the one day seminar on Restructuring Undergraduate Education and Grading (sponsored by the Kerala State Higher Education Council) at Govt. College, Kasaragod.on 23 oct 2008.
  • Participated in the National seminar on Recent Trends in Statistics at Nehru Arts and Science College, Kanhangad on 12-14 Feb 2009.
  • Participated in the five days workshop for _Restructuring Statistics Main & Subsidiary Courses _sponsored by Kerala State Higher Education Council at Payyannur College, Payyannur on 26-27 Feb 2009 and 1-3 April 2009. __
  • Participated in the National workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Economic development in the Knowledge Era held at Govt. College, Kasaragod on 25 Mar 2010. __

Positons Held

  • Member,UG Board of studies(Kannur University-2004-08)